Friday, February 5, 2010

Dear Lord

Show me the way...

Lead me where you want me to be...stay or go away...

I know you have plans for me after this jaw-dropping yet expected news...history's repeating itself...before he's with, I have to face this all alone...strength from no one but You...

Make me understand and make me strong enough...

As Katrina said "Heaven's high!" and as Nanay Lei said "Prayers can move mountains". Also, Thank you Kae and Joycee for the love miles away.

In time...I will reveal...As of now I am still OK and hopin' will still be OK..Just praying that luck and God's love won't leave my side...Lord kayo na pong bahala...Despite this, please send my love to mama, papa, Lheng and Sam...

1 comment:

  1. love you so much mama i have always told you God has a greater plan for you..there will always be light at the end of the tunnel..and sunshine after the rain. don't ever give up..we're always here for you. hug!!!! - carol
