here are mine to name some...
1. my comfort food -
varies depending on my mood and of this writing, these are my happy food..just yesterday, after deciding from range of options of goodies on the supermarket, i ended up cuing on the cashier with these treats

one of my fave fruit right from their backyard with love

JP is one of my friends who never fails to delight me with surprises. On this pic below, he writes on the 2010 Starbucks planner he really kept for me. He did the complete-the-stickers-thing as I was not here last Christmas 2009 and he kept it thinking how he can give it to me. Good thing, I came home April and he was able to give it to me. Not too late :-)

And on this one below, I took a picture of his pasalubongs for me from his trips from Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. How sweet it is to be always remembered by JP!

4. putting a child to sleep -
Goodnight sweet cheeks, goodnight sleepy head, sweet dreams, sleep tight...until the morning light!-momay
5. nice chat with friends -
i just had a non-stop one yesterday ...from chikas related sa work, from irreconcilable differences to maturity, from tested friendships to revelation of crushes to love stories. hayyy! with laughter and chichirias on the side...long-trip-boredom killer! Love you guys!
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